Gantry Cranes

Gantry Cranes

Alexandria Container and cargo handling company owns extensive fleet of gantry cranes of a total 14 gantry crane with the latest modern specifications that play a pivotal role in achieving the operations of loading and discharging with highest operation rates.


You can check our Gantry crane specifications from the following table

Alexandria Terminal EL Dekheilla Terminal
Type Super Post Panamax Panamax (with Twin Spreader) Post Panamax Super Post Panamax (with Twin Spreader)
Number 1 3 3 2 1 4
Capacity in Ton 65 60 45 60 60 65
Outreach Length (m) 51 45 45 51 56 61
Back Outreach Length (m) 19.5 19.5 17.5 19.5 19.5 19.5
Height from Land (m) 38 33 33 38 38 41
No. of containers (vessel width) 19 17 17 18 20 22